Game Concept
⧫ The player starts out as Kotaro (Fuma Kotaro), a young boy living a peaceful life in a small farm village. After his village is attacked & burned, by dark creatures known as Yoki. Saved by a female ninja, Kotaro finds himself the sole survivor of the attack & is know forced to choose between a path filled with fear or a path filled with blood. Choosing to go with the female ninja Odachi & her accomplice Kusarigama, Kotaro must now join the Shinigami in hopes to gain enough strength to fight & defeat the Yoki threat which threatens to consume his world.
- Genre of your game – Stealth
- Size/Scope of your game –
- Single player or Multiplayer – Single player
- Multiplatform or Single Platform – Single Platform, PC
- Engine – Unreal 4 & Unity 2019 (mobile)